April 12, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm

Labour 150 Campaign Launch

At 7 pm, Monday April 12th go to www.Facebook.com/LabourCouncil  for the  launch of the our brand new campaign, Labour 150, in commemoration of our 150th year anniversary.  

The campaign launch will feature the debut of our brand new Labour 150 website, a special live online gala, contests and much, much more. Running for a full twelve months, this celebration will capture how as a Labour Council, "Together We Did, Together We Can, Together We Will".

Join us for a celebration of our history, our victories and our path forward. 


Please download and add your union’s logo to the

Workplace 150 poster (Click here) 

– and circulate it so members can easily show your pride in being part of Canada’s largest labour council.




Who’s going

Justin Antheunis Dan Vieira Carolyn Egan Egan Kelly Belbin Israt Ahmed Norman MacAskill Bill Signal Yvonne Kelly Wendy Goodfield Michael Nicoloff Enrico Jojo Geronimo Nadira Ross Karen Lior Melisa Bayon Linda Petrucci Maryanna Lewyckyj Ronny Yaron Kelly Hayes Douglas Cheeseman Cynthia McCarrey Vince Pietropaolo LingJiang Li tam goossen Cindy Krysac Jane Armstrong Venai Raniga MacMillan Judy Duncan Paul Clifford Tim McCaskell Brenda Wall Wall Barry Stevens john maclennan Glen Richards Richards Muthiah Kanagasundaram Marcia Lopez Eliseo Pascua Chandra-Li Paul James Huang Ellen Massey Gary Shaul Angela Zhu Gillian Watson Barbara Pascua Avijit Ghoshal Muzafar Mirza Mirza Anna Strungar Sofia Reno

Who's RSVPing

Justin Antheunis
Dan Vieira
Carolyn Egan Egan
Kelly Belbin
Israt Ahmed
Norman MacAskill
Bill Signal
Yvonne Kelly
Wendy Goodfield
Michael Nicoloff
Jojo Geronimo
Nadira Ross
Karen Lior
Melisa Bayon
Linda Petrucci
Maryanna Lewyckyj
Ronny Yaron
Kelly Hayes
Douglas Cheeseman
Cynthia McCarrey
Vince Pietropaolo
LingJiang Li
tam goossen
Cindy Krysac
Jane Armstrong
Venai Raniga MacMillan
Judy Duncan
Paul Clifford
Tim McCaskell

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