November 07, 2019 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm

November 7 Delegates' Meeting

This month, delegates meet for the last time in the auditorium at 15 Gervais Drive. The OFL Building opened in June 1968, and Labour Council Delegates have met for over half a century in the auditorium. With the building sold, the owners are redeveloping the basement and auditorium area for new tenants. Starting in December the Delegates’ Meeting will be held at the IBEW hall (1377 Lawrence Ave. E.) until we determine a permanent location.

This Thursday the keynote speaker will be NDP Labour Critic Jamie West, a former Sudbury Labour Council President who is an excellent speaker. There will be a presentation on the United Way’s #UNIGNORABLE campaign as well as reflections on last month’s federal election. We will have a statement on our victory over the subway upload, and final approval to the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan.

Please join us for this final occasion as we say farewell to the space and acknowledge the decades of important work that has been achieved here.

Delegates’ meetings are open to all union members.

Delegates' Meetings
15 Gervais Dr
Toronto , ON M3C 3S2
Map and directions

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