Responses to COVID-19 and Beyond

Uncertain times are never easy. Our history as a labour movement and as Canadians shows time and again how together we can meet adversity. We have shared with neighbours and with complete strangers, protected the vulnerable, and sheltered those without a home. During the present COVID19 health crisis, every one of us will be challenged to be the best that we can – generous, thoughtful and selfless.


Our movement believes in solidarity and the power of collective action, that we are stronger together. It is hard to reconcile this deep commitment to the collective with the idea of social distancing, and the knowledge that being physically apart is what is needed while we battle a global pandemic. These recommendations are a current list and represent the urgently needed supports for all workers in the GTA, especially those most vulnerable among us.

On April 2, our Labour Council passed a statement entitled Responses to COVID-19 and Beyond. This statement is our guiding document for our response to the current social and economic crises that are arising out of the pandemic.

Visit our Priority Responses campaign page to learn more

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