May 20, 2021 at 7:00pm - 9pm

Students Say No to Normalizing Crisis Learning – YCFPE

York Communities for Public Education presents...#StudentsSayNo to Normalizing Crisis Learning Town Hall. Click here to watch the livestream on YouTube beginning at 7 pm (EDT).

Join the livestream broadcast on Thursday, May 20, 2021 beginning at 7 pm on the YCFPE's YouTube channel. The event will feature students from the YCDSB and the YRDSB as they speak about their experiences with the hybrid model and online learning, including panel discussion, slam poetry, and a musical performance!

Learn more at the YCFPE Linktree.


Who’s going

Stanley Treivus Andy Hanson Maryanne Commisso Taipang Lui LingJiang Li

Who's RSVPing

Stanley Treivus
Andy Hanson
Maryanne Commisso
Taipang Lui
LingJiang Li

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