18 October, 2022 8:01 AM

What Torontonians Want from City Council

Great news: Torontonians are united in their support for progressive change.


Today, Labour Council released the results of a poll we commissioned to learn more about Torontonians’ support for progressive policies, city-wide. The poll was designed in consultation with Earnscliffe Strategies and with fieldwork conducted by Léger, with analysis by Labour Council and the Broadbent Institute.

Comrades, the results of this survey represent a huge win for our collective efforts to advocate on behalf of workers. We have successfully created a sea change in public opinion when it comes to local solutions to problems impacting everyday people.

Our experiences have differed during the pandemic, and yet we have all come out the other side with a new appreciation for the impact Toronto’s services have on our day-to-day lives. Residents have had to use their city’s resources differently, and now they are noticing the impact of a dozen years of cutbacks.

The results tell us our advocacy is paying off:

Invest_Now.png Community_Benefits.png protect_renters.png
Climate_Mitigation.png IZ_and_density.png Parks_and_rec_access.png
Fire_and_EMS.png Detask_Police.png Developer_money_in_elections.png

What does this mean for the election?

With the municipal election in just seven days, this poll makes it easier than ever to get out and support your local council candidate—especially if they have been endorsed by labour.

If you’re in a ward or a municipality where we haven’t released an endorsement, use these issues to ask your local candidates where they stand. Are they committed to investing in building a better, more liveable city? Are they interested in community values, or are their decisions guided by other interests?

The results showed that Torontonians of all income levels want a more liveable city now—even if it means a small increase in property taxes on the wealthiest homes. We are seeing social unity when 73% in the highest income bracket agree to pay more in order to invest in the community.

Our city has become increasingly unaffordable over the past few decades. That’s why your Labour Council has been fighting for needed changes: so we can continue to live, work, and play right here at home.

We believe that workers can and should see local elections as an opportunity to engage in political bargaining; it’s another way that we can collectively shape a better, more inclusive Toronto.

On October 24, cast your ballot for candidates who share our vision. And, if you can, get out there and help us get them elected by knocking doors, dropping flyers, and making calls. Read our full release here. Endorsed candidates information can be found here. Get out and vote!

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