OFL Niagara Rally
This is the RSVP for the bus leaving from Nathan Phillips Square at 8:00 am on Saturday. For other bus opportunities, click here or contact your local to find out if they are organizing something.
The Conservative’s reckless policies and massive cuts to our valued public services are hurting the people of Ontario. On Saturday, February 22, the Conservatives are holding their policy convention in Niagara Falls and the people of this province are going to be there, demanding they build an Ontario for all, not just the wealthy and big corporations.
The Ontario Federation of Labour is organizing a major rally in front of the Scotiabank Convention Centre to send the message that this government is hurting communities across our province with cuts to public services like education and health care. Buses are leaving from various locations around the GTA - contact your union to find out their plans for mobilization.
RSVP to get on a bus to the Niagara Falls Rally from Nathan Phillips Square!
100 Queen St W
Toronto, ON M5H 2N1
Map and directions