Labour Action is a Labour Council publication where we highlight the struggles and key victories of our members and affiliates, as well as honour our 150-year history of working for justice.
In this issue, we have featured the 2022 In-person Labour Day parade from multiple perspectives. It was exciting, full of energy, and a day worth to remember how we stood together to fight in solidarity for 150 years.
As well, you will read a 4-page coverage of the municipal election endorsements, please support our labour-endorsed candidates on October 24th!
In this issue, you will also have information on the United Way 2022 Campaign, why just transition is a workplace issue, how to fight for accessible and affordable housing together, and why nurses are leaving the profession they love.
It's time to identify the problems and correct them! Please share the back cover of this magazine with your families and friends, to remind them about when and how to vote in the upcoming municipal election. Our vote is our power! Click here to read the full digital version of this magazine. Cheers and solidarity!
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