Quality Education: It's All Our Fight

There are times in life when you have to stand up for what you believe in.

Across Ontario, teachers and education workers are doing just that – standing up to the bullies at Queen’s Park who want to undermine the quality of education in this province.


The Conservatives are imposing increased class size in Grades 4 through 12, resulting in poorer learning conditions, the loss of thousands of teaching positions, and a reduction in the programs available for current and future students. They want mandatory e-learning to replace classroom teaching. And they are cutting back on supports for students with special needs.

These are the issues at stake as teachers and education workers take job action.

The Conservative government is making deep cuts to education and social services in order to pay for tax breaks for corporations and wealthy individuals. That agenda is guaranteed to lead to turmoil and disruption - and every community will be affected.

It’s time for the Conservatives to bargain in good faith and abandon their approach of half-truths and confrontation. It’s time for everyone in Ontario to tell this government that it is wrong.

Working families know why we support teachers and education workers. We all want quality education that will give every student what they need to succeed.

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